You Are Invited!
This Passover 2022, the Fort Collins Seventh-day Adventist Church invites you to join us in remembering Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection. You are invited to join us for a deeply meaningful and festive commemoration that is interactive through a community feet-washing service for those who wish to participate; a symbolic dinner; worship through music; powerful visual multi-media presentations; a profound, relevant message rooted in Jesus; and genuine Christian fellowship.
“Dwelling upon the commemorative side of the Passover feast, strengthens our faith. Remembering how the Lord wrought for His afflicted people, how He heard their cries and worked miracles for their deliverance, brings a blessing to the soul; but there is also salvation for the one who dwells upon the typical part of the Passover feast, and claims the blessings there shadowed forth by type and symbol. Every Passover lamb, from the one slain on the night of the deliverance from Egypt to the time of Christ, was a type of the Savior in a special sense. “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” [CIS g6.1]
Enjoy reading online chapters about Passover
Patriots and Prophets (Link) The Passover
Desire of Ages (link) The Passover Visit
The Cross and its Shadow (link) | The Passover
Fort Collins Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2040 Nancy Gray Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80525
We are located immediately North of the Fort Collins Police Department and on the North West corner of Timberline and Nancy Gray; just South of Burger King.
The program and dinner starts at 6:30, but the doors will open at 6 pm to welcome guests who choose to participate in the communal washing of feet and to secure a seat in the dining hall (Breese Gymnatorium).
Who Should Attend?
Individuals of all age groups, family, and those who are looking for community and friendship are all welcome to this event that Commemorates the real meaning of Passover.
This Passover 2022, the Fort Collins Seventh-day Adventist Church invites you to join us in remembering Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection. You are invited to join us for a deeply meaningful and festive commemoration that is interactive through a community feet-washing service for those who wish to participate; a symbolic dinner; worship through music; powerful visual multi-media presentations; a profound, relevant message rooted in Jesus; and genuine Christian fellowship.
“Dwelling upon the commemorative side of the Passover feast, strengthens our faith. Remembering how the Lord wrought for His afflicted people, how He heard their cries and worked miracles for their deliverance, brings a blessing to the soul; but there is also salvation for the one who dwells upon the typical part of the Passover feast, and claims the blessings there shadowed forth by type and symbol. Every Passover lamb, from the one slain on the night of the deliverance from Egypt to the time of Christ, was a type of the Savior in a special sense. “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” [CIS g6.1]
Enjoy reading online chapters about Passover
Patriots and Prophets (Link) The Passover
Desire of Ages (link) The Passover Visit
The Cross and its Shadow (link) | The Passover
Fort Collins Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2040 Nancy Gray Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80525
We are located immediately North of the Fort Collins Police Department and on the North West corner of Timberline and Nancy Gray; just South of Burger King.
The program and dinner starts at 6:30, but the doors will open at 6 pm to welcome guests who choose to participate in the communal washing of feet and to secure a seat in the dining hall (Breese Gymnatorium).
Who Should Attend?
Individuals of all age groups, family, and those who are looking for community and friendship are all welcome to this event that Commemorates the real meaning of Passover.
- There will be activities and favors to keep the youngest to the eldest engaged and blessed.
- There is no cover charge for this event. Like the gift of Christ, although costly, it is FREE to us all.